SATA will be an inexpensive alternative to parallel ATA compared to parallel ATA. And a complete transition from parallel ATA to SATA is also the general trend. Relevant manufacturers are also vigorously promoting SATA interfaces. For example, Intel's ICH6 series south bridge chips support an increase of SATA interfaces from 2 to 4 compared to ICH5 series south bridge chips, while parallel ATA interfaces are reduced from 2 to 1. The ICH7 series south bridge further supports 4 SATA II interfaces; the next-generation ICH8 series south bridge will support 6 SATA II interfaces and will completely abandon the parallel ATA interface; other motherboard chipset manufacturers have also begun to support SATA II interface; At present, the hard disk with SATA II interface has gradually become the mainstream.

     Whether it is SATA or SATA II, it has little effect on the performance of the hard disk. Because the current bottleneck of hard disk performance is concentrated on the internal data transfer rate of the hard disk determined by the internal mechanical mechanism of the hard disk, the storage technology of the hard disk, and the rotational speed of the disk, even the current top 15000-rpm SCSI hard disk has an internal data transfer rate of only 80MB/ sec or so, not to mention ordinary 7200 rpm desktop-class hard drives. Unless there are revolutionary changes in the data recording technology of hard disks, such as perpendicular recording technology, etc., it is difficult to improve the internal data transfer rate of hard disks by leaps and bounds at present.