Opportunities and challenges faced by connector industry

(1) Encouragement and support of national industrial policies According to the Classification of Strategic Emerging Industries (2018) issued by the National Bureau of Statistics, connectors belong to "manufacturing of new electronic components and equipment" and are a strategic emerging industry encouraged and supported by the state. New energy vehicles, 5G communication, computers, consumer electronics, military industry, etc. in the downstream application fields of connectors also belong to the fields encouraged and supported by national industrial policies. According to the Action Plan for the Development of Basic Electronic Components Industry (2021-2023) issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, in the future, we will focus on the development of high-frequency, high-speed, low-loss and miniaturized optoelectronic connectors, focusing on important industries such as 5G network, industrial Internet and data center construction, new energy vehicles and intelligent networked vehicles, industrial automation equipment, high-end equipment market, etc., and the connector industry will usher in major development opportunities.

(2) product technology and technological innovation and development Connectors have a wide range of applications, many varieties and specifications, and often need to be continuously upgraded according to the rapid update of customers' products. The overall trend is high-speed transmission, high frequency, high voltage and large current, high density, miniaturization and intelligence. With the continuous progress of science and technology and the development of downstream industries, the downstream industries have higher and higher requirements on the mechanical performance, electrical performance and environmental performance of connectors, which require not only better consistency and stability of connectors, but also stricter requirements on heat resistance, sealing performance and environmental protection, all of which require connector enterprises to have strong process design and quality control capabilities, and constantly innovate and develop in product technology and technology to quickly respond to customers' needs.